Wednesday, October 20, 2010

maybe if I could just manage my time better

Today I had a wonderful day teaching the kids. I can admit I was super tired after a 12 hour day but I really wouldn't give it up for anythine. then I get home with the kids and to homework and trying to clean (which sooo often doesn't get done) and I just don't get the inspiration or chance to do much sketching. I get very nostalgic thinking of my trip to Ireland and I really want to do some watercolor cottage paintings and I just wish I could be organized, have great time management and tons of energy.........

Tomorrow's another day

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Being a frustrated artist.....

Ugh...... Not sure what to do. I love teaching classes soooooooooo much. That is my bread and butter also, it pays my bills and adds a ton of joy to my life. I guess my frustration is that I really wish I could get it together enough to make some more art for me and I wish I could get some of the art I get a chance to do sold....I know I need to take better pics and make the paintings look like they're in a gallery and I can't get that done. I'm thinking of hanging it up right now and only paint what I can to have extra classes at my studio and don't worry about trying to sell. Is that a cop out, or a sell out? Well time will tell.